I finally finished all the documenting on my robot for the Robocup Junior Rescue Contest !!!

All the docs are over here:
Line Following, Obstacle Avoiding, and Victim Finding , Oh My!
This is the official blog of Narobo.com, where I upload anything and everything thats on my mind. www.Blog.Narobo.com
Dear Erik,
My name is Matheus Vervloet and i'm form Brazil. I am from brazil's robotic team that is going to compete at Robocup Junior Rescue at 2008 at china too. I liked your project very much. I was wondering if we could change e-mails about robotics, the competition, etc. My e-mail is matheus_vervloet@hotmail.com . So if yo're intersted send me a e-mail.
Good Luck at the competition!
sorry about the english errors...
my english isn't the best.
yo're = you're
erik = eric
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